Below you will find a curated collection of my personal projects. Most of my time and experiance was gained from making Banking, Inventory Management or Data Migration Software. Unfortuantly, all of which I can not go into great detail due to signed NDAs.

If you have any comment or questions please feel free to reach out to me at

Global Game Jam 2019
Team of 4 - Unity 2018 - coded with C#

Post Mortem

The second game I’ve made with this team, this is the best one out of the three that we’ve made. We narrowed down on the idea relatively quickly and got a working prototype on the first day. We were able to finish by the end of the second day and could focus on polish before presentaitons on the third day.

The idea was that you’d pickup a shell and that shell would hold attachments to let you do preform actions to solve a puzzle. Originally we were going to have the player switch shells but we decided to just simplify the design to only have one shell. In terms of improvements: the main menu should have cover art, the climbing action has a bug that can send the player flying into the sky and being able to adjust or turn off the music would be nice.

Source Code

Omaha UNO Gam Jam 2019
Team of 4 - Unity 2018 - coded with C#

Post Mortem

This was the first game I made with this team. The start was a bit slow and we have some trouble getting enemy pathfinding to work with the procedural levels, but after we found an experimetal package that handled it well the rest of the game came together without much issue.

The idea is that you drive around looking for the trigger to get to the next level, but the faster you drive the more pollusion is released. As the pollusion levels increase there are more enemies that chase you and the eviornment changes from grassy fields to desert wasteland.

In terms of how the game could be improved, the main menu should be improved and there should be some sort of intro explaining the mechanics. It would maybe fit better if instead of levels it was one endless level, where you constantly drive around as the world around you changes. It would be nice too if during the low pollusion state if there were other cars driving around and those began to thin out and disappear once the pollusion increased, so that the world doesn’t feel so empty at the start.

Source Code

Github username: naed21

Ludum Dare 35
Solo - Monogame Framework - Coded in C#, Art in Paint.NET

Post Mortem

Probably the most complete solo game jam I’ve completed, Surveillance State is a game about being a goverment agent trying to find and then take out a group of aliens with very little information and only a small window to observe before having to decide the fate of a group of people. On the easier difficulties you can easily use deduction to correctly to minimize collateral, but on the hard difficulties it turns into guess work.

I chose Monogame framework partially out of nalstalgia for the XNA framework (of which Monogame is based on) and also for it’s minimal size (3mb including audio files). The prototype came together quickly but doing the art and audio myself was a bit of a slog as I put a bit too much time into the alien reveal and death effects. Fixing bugs and tiding up the gameplay came right down to the wire so there wasn’t much time for polish.

If I were to make improvements I would create an intro and tutorial that would explain the premise of the game and then I would overhall the surveillance part as it’s very bare bones and there’s a lot that can be done to make it more enjoyable. Like giving the aliens unique actions or tells that the player can look out.